Digital advertising
Email admin@fpress.com.au for a quote.
Print advertising (Baw Baw, Cardinia, and Casey)
Click here for print advertising rates (PDF)
Finding space for your brand is becoming increasingly difficult.
To stand out in 2017 you must offer something more; something which can cut through in the noisy and growing media landscape. You need a clear and engaging campaign, which is where the Baw Baw Citizen and Casey & Cardinia Free Press can help.
Our titles are sought out by people living in West Gippsland. Our reach extends beyond the traditional local print paper scene and into web and social interaction, and we have delivered inventive content and marketing in every format since launching the Citizen in 2011.
In the modern marketplace, high quality branded content is the gateway to sales. Consumers demand well-produced advertising material for recreational consumption, and tapping into that can make big differences for businesses.
Advertisers can establish themselves as a trustworthy authority through a well-structured and engaging advertising campaign. We excellent photography and design for display advertising, as well as original and engaging advertising content in print and online. We will deliver your message clearly and honestly to a wide audience across our three platforms: physical, web, and social web.
Whether you’re looking for a simple graphical campaign to establish your name in the market, or a feature campaign in print and online, the Baw Baw Citizen and Casey & Cardinia Free Press can help you deliver your message clearly and effectively.