Nature blog: Eastern Yellow Robin
 Baw Baw Nature Blog   By // 17:40, Monday 17 March 2014

EYRobin Nangara Feb14

This charming little bird will often breed in denser habitat areas like gullies and coastal scrubs, and then move out into more open woodland.

Above: the Eastern Yellow Robin. Photo by the author.

Sometimes the inquisitive nature of this bird means that all you need to do for a close encounter is to remain quiet and allow it to approach at its own pace. It likes to perch sideways on a vertical branch or trunk then dive to the ground to snap up its prey.

The Eastern Yellow Robin constructs a beautiful cup-shaped nest which it cleverly camouflages with bark and lichen. It has several calls, one being an easily recognizable explosive piping ‘chip-chip, chip …’


The bird in the picture was ‘ticked’ at Nangara Reserve, Jindivick. It was one of several that approached to inspect the ‘intruder’, sitting still just long enough for a fumbling photographer to wrestle with some camera settings.

As often is the case, the Eastern Yellow Robins were joined at various times by other species and I quickly noted Rufous and Grey Fantails, Lewin’s Honeyeaters, ubiquitous Splendid Fairy Wrens and Brown Thornbills. A golden Whistler was trilling somewhere in the background too.


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3 responses to “Nature blog: Eastern Yellow Robin”

  1. Sue says:

    We have a wonderful diversity of birds in this pocket of Gippsland, so good on you publishing this story.

  2. Beth says:

    Eastern Yellow Robins at Mount Worth, as were (elusive) Pink & Rose Robins.

  3. Lorraine says:

    They’re a lovely bird, and so are the wrens, honeyeaters and little brown bush birds – unfortunately, the rapid expansion of Indian mynahs here in Trafalgar threatens all the little native birds. I would buy a humane trap for the mynahs but need someone to kill them (humanely) and help restore the balance, as has been done elsewhere. Any ideas?