Baw Baw director Tim Frederico leaves after three years
 Baw Baw News   By // 17:28, Friday 16 November 2012

DIRECTOR for Compliance and Corporate Services Tim Frederico is leaving the Baw Baw Shire Council today after three years in Baw Baw directorship positions.

Size does matter: Director for Compliance and Corporate Services Tim Frederico is leaving Baw Baw for a bigger council. Photo: William Kulich.


Mr Frederico joined the council in late 2009 as Director for Community Assets, overseeing roads and other infrastructure before becoming Director for Compliance and Corporate Services last year.

Mr Frederico told The Warragul Citizen he was moving to Frankston City Council for career reasons.

“This job came to me, I didn’t come to it… and it’s too good a career opportunity to refuse,” Mr Frederico said.

“It’s about the size of the council… Frankston is a tier-one council, a large council in population, I’m not exactly sure of the numbers, probably three or four times the population of Baw Baw.”


Baw Baw Shire CEO Helen Anstis told The Warragul Citizen Mr Frederico’s replacement will have a slightly different role in the council, taking the new directorship of Corporate Services and Organisational Development.

“We would hope to be interviewing in early December with obviously the successful candidate beginning early next year,” Ms Anstis said.

The employment of the new director will be managed in-house.

Ms Anstis said Mr Frederico’s resignation reached her desk in the last month.

“I’ve known for a few weeks. That’s appropriate, people resign from our organisation on a regular basis,” Ms Anstis said.

The new directorship will cover governance, compliance, information technology, finance, human resources, payroll and overall business planning.

Until a new director is employed, Ms Anstis and Director for Community Care and Strengthening Liana Thompson will oversee the directorship.

Ms Anstis has taken on vacant Baw Baw directorships previously, assuming some Community Care and Strengthening roles when Patti Wenn quit in June.


“It gave me an opportunity to understand what took place within that directorate, the work that they do, what the constraints are [and] what are (sic) the issues they face,” Ms Anstis said.

Mr Frederico said he felt “bittersweet” to be leaving Baw Baw.

“There are some very good people here and I think the vibe coming out of the new council is very positive so I think there are some very exciting times ahead,” Mr Frederico said.

“Bittersweet because I’m leaving Baw Baw, but sweet because I’m going to a better career opportunity.”

Mr Frederico begins his new job next month after a short break.

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