Below is the tweets, emails, comments and letters section which appeared in the 24 July 2015 edition of the Warragul & Baw Baw Citizen.
Too much information
Regarding “Council gender data collection questioned” (WBBC 10 July 2015, Page 5): The council has no right to be asking for gender on any occasion and I would call this discrimination! It certainly has no bearing on parking issues.
Lee Pattinson
~ via
A rolling stone gathers no errors
Dear Editor,
Tell me it was meant to be a joke – your 10 July 2015 front page headline “Baw Baw can’t get no satisfaction”? That double negative would win no points in a grammar test but it really does draw attention, so maybe it has an upside!
Your paper is not alone in some of this misuse of words. The Warragul Gazette (and just occasionally the daily papers) tell us about horses WHO race, people THAT perform, the AMOUNT of people at a football match and so on. Seems that grammar has become a lost discipline – I hope we don’t get to read about “yous” – a word that is certainly creeping into our vocabulary.
However, on the bouquet-side, congratulations on a really interesting paper – may is long continue to bring us up to date with different happenings in and around our shire.
With best wishes from a pedantic old-timer,
“O. Dear,” Drouin
~ via mail
(Editor’s note: the Rolling Stones have been a bad influence on me.)
To Labor a point
Regarding “Broadbent denies Mafia ties” (WBBC 10 July 2015, Page 3):
[Labor leader] Bill Shorten is alleged to have received money from corporations he dealt with as a union official, and it’s worthy of a royal commission.
[The Liberal party] is alleged to have received money from the Mafia, and no further investigation is considered necessary.
Even if the latter allegations ultimately prove incorrect, why are the former allegations considered so much more worthy of investigation than the latter?
~ via
(This comment has been edited. Altered parts appear in square brackets.)
Dogs plan no mess
Regarding “Dog days: Baw Baw approves off-leash trial” (WBBC 27 March 2015): Please don’t put all dog owners in the one basket. My friend and I walk our dogs every morning in Brooker Park and we carry our poo bags with us. It is the most rela-xing area to walk around in Warra-gul. It is about time we had an area for dogs to run free, even if it is this small area which seems crazy to me.
Ivy Radford
~ via
Truckin’ intersection
Regarding the truck stuck on Queen Street last week: Driver would’ve been following his permitted route. I’m sure he would’ve liked his day to have been a lot different to what it turned out to be.
John Mulholland
~ via Facebook
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