Tweets, emails, comments and letters: 10 July 2015 edition
 Letters to the Editor: Baw Baw   By // 17:00, Thursday 13 August 2015


From the tweets, emails, comments and letters section of the 10 July 2015 edition of the Warragul & Baw Baw Citizen.

Flight of fancy
Regarding “Issues identified at PTV forum” (WBBC 26 June 2015, Page 5), my main PTV gripe is that I cannot make an 8am or earlier flight from Melbourne Airport using PTV from #Gippsland.
@WestGippslandWaffle, Warragul ~ via Twitter


All too much
My rates are too much as it is. I have no sewer, no storm water infrastructure, no footpaths, no street lights.
Baw Baw Shire Council had better spend my money wisely.
‘Geoff” ~ via

Let them eat Met
Regarding state Liberal leader Matthew Guy’s promise to let Pakenham-City commuters back on V/Line if elected:
He obviously does not travel on the already congested peak V/Line service. Let Pakenham commuters use the Met.
‘Janette’ ~ via

Fair fare
I don’t mind if Pakenham commuters use V/Line as long as they pay V/Line prices. Until they do they have no right to be on the train.
Roger Marks ~ via

Charm offensive no winner
Regarding the approved demolition of houses on Mason Street, Warragul, to make way for a new development:*While the existing residential buildings may have charm to some in their present run down state, a far greater number of people will be served by the proposed new retail/residential development. Hopefully that eyesore, the old butter factory, will follow next, or is that considered to be ‘heritage’ too?
(Editor’s note: yes, it is.)
‘Ian.F’ ~ via


Logging old growth forests the lazy, expensive option
Regarding “Possum friend’s logging fears” (WBBC 26 June 2015, Page 6):
I’m currently volunteering with The Wilderness Society to save Victoria’s forests, and researching the leadbeater’s possum issue has been a real eye opener.
Our government keeps saying it needs to cut funding to public health and education, but spends millions of taxpayers’ dollars subsidising native forest logging. When viable alternatives exist in recycled fibre and plantation wood, this is just plain wasteful.
It’s also destructive. Taxpayers’ money is being used to damage forests, which is bad for taxpayers. Logging the forests damages Victoria’s tourism industry and the plantation industry. Forests also absorb CO2, reducing harmful effects of climate change such as droughts and extreme bushfires, as well as acting as giant natural filters for water catchments.
Damaged forests = poor water quality, and less of it.
Logging Victoria’s native forests is an injustice to Victorians. But the good news is there are things people can do to stop it. Check out TWS’ Ethical Paper pledge online at
TWS is campaigning the largest purchaser of logged Victorian forests, Australian Paper (makers of Reflex Paper) to switch to ethical sources.
Also, check for the FSC certification on paper/wood products – this will let you know that what you are purchasing is ethically sourced.
I’ve explored many of Victoria’s forests, and they are so beautiful and of such value to society. They are definitely worth protecting.
I’d be really interested to know where the Warragul & Baw Baw Citizen sources its printing paper. I couldn’t find out on the website, but if its printed on ethical paper that’d be really cool.
(Editor’s note: we don’t know the source of our paper, but will move to recycled stock as soon as possible.)
Kate Wattchow, Trafalgar ~ via Facebook

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