Investigation after train departs Warragul with doors open
 Baw Baw News   By // 15:02, Saturday 6 July 2013

train depart warragul doors open

V/LINE is investigating after an on-peak rail service departed Warragul Station with many of its platform-facing doors still open on Wednesday night.

Above: the train as it departed Warragul. Carriages can be seen travelling past the red signal at the end of the platform. Photo by William PJ Kulich.

Doors not closing on the Traralgon-bound service, which departs Warragul Station at 7.30pm weekdays, is nothing new – passengers have reported single doors not closing or opening on the service and other services using the same type of carriages for years.


It is however less common for more than one door to remain open on departure.

It is unknown when the doors of the six-carriage service closed on Wednesday, but some remained open as carriages passed the end of the station.

The Warragul Citizen contacted V/Line on Thursday for information on the incident and is awaiting a detailed response.

A spokesperson said the regional rail operator is investigating and will supply more information to TWC when it becomes available.


V/Line operates 55 H-Set carriages, the carriages used on the service, across Victoria.

H-Set carriages feature two wide sliding double doors on each side of most carriages and are cleared to travel at up to 115km/h.

What are your experiences with doors on V/Line services? Let us know using the comments box below.

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2 responses to “Investigation after train departs Warragul with doors open”

  1. Hahahaha. Oopsies.

  2. V_LinePassanger says:

    You wouldn’t have an idea about what you are writing about…